With all the excitement of football in the air, although my beloved Gamecocks have gotten off to a somewhat lackluster start, as well as my new daily routine of reading page after page of silly torts cases, I haven't had a lot of time to spend with my blog...but I want you all to know I'm still out here, so I'll post a few of my random thoughts.
President Bush has apparently adopted a new strategy in his speeches these days, he's no longer denying things that we, the public, have known were true for quite some time. Take these secret CIA prisons...the Washington Post published a story about them in November of last year, and since that time, under Bush's omnibus excuse of national security, the administration has vehemently denied their existence. That is, until last week when Bush hit the speech circuit fessing up, not only to their existence, but to their moral objectionability as well. This change in strategy for Bush is nothing new in the Republican party, all of the '08ers have been distancing themselves from Bush for quite a while now. It was only a matter of time before Bush jumped on the bandwagon and started distancing himself from himself. Makes political sense, right?
In other news, Al Gore has earned pariah status for his power-point movie about global warming. I guess Americans have been too busy gassing up their Hummers and cutting donuts in the Wal-Mart parking lots to realize that Gore's video actually puts up some compelling evidence in a viewer-friendly format that the NASCAR moms and dads can understand enough to totally reject. Scientists have been calling global warming a problem for years, but nobody pays any attention to them. Why would someone who has spent their entire life studying Peruvian glaciers have anything useful to say about my life?
What else has been going on? Oh yeah, Mark Sanford still hates public schools and poor people. Glenn McConnell is still dry-humping the Hunley and leaving millions of public dollars on the nightstand. Mid-term elections are coming up and the buzz is that people are sick of the Republican incumbents and are going to vote for change this November...Yeah right, I'll believe that when I see it. Not to mention that my beloved Dems haven't put together a solid enough platform to be able to espouse any sort of political agenda. At least the Republicans can fall back on their hatred of gays and abortion to rally the troops. What do we Dems have, social justice? Welfare reform? Universal healthcare? Americans would rather attend a good ole gay bashing session than bother acknowledging the actual problems facing us.
Ooh, ooh, speaking of healthcare, these pharmaceutical companies disgust me. Do you know that they have instructions on how to "talk to your doctor" about certain pills. You can go to their websites and they will instruct you on why you need their drug, give you a list of ambiguous symptoms to aid in your self-diagnosis, and then tell you how to lie to your doctor to make her believe you're actually sick so you can convince your insurance company (assuming you have one, otherwise you couldn't afford to visit the doctor, much less actually pay for a prescription drug) that you NEED this pill. What a farce! There will be more to come on this problem, but for now I'm going to spend the remaining time I have before football starts (I've got about an hour) to put together some sort of visual aid for this post, because if there's one thing we Americans need in order to actually read anything, is a catchy picture to sex it up a bit.