In the coup of the century Steny Hoyer (D-MD) has defeated seemingly insurmountable odds to defeat Pelosi's man, Jack Murtha (D-PA) for the number two spot in the Democrat pecking order in the House. We at the Blue South obtained an exclusive interview with Hoyer, mere moments after his triumphant victory over the Pelosi Faction. Here's what he had to say:
TBS: Well, Steny, how's it feel to undercut the clear will of your party's leader in a self-serving power grab that potentially could divide your party before they get a chance to do anything at all in Congress?
Hoyer: Excuse me? Who the hell are you anyway?
TBS: That's beside the point, Steny, I just want to know how it feels to be a party-debasing, leadership-circumventing, snobby East Coast liberal power broker.
Hoyer: Pretty damn good....SECURITY!
TBS: But seriously, Murtha could take you in a bar fight, right?
Hoyer: Murtha's a patsy.
TBS: Whatever, man. He fights dirty- he'd take you.
Hoyer: Nonsense, Murtha's a lightweight. I'd break him in half. In fact, I just did, democratically speaking.
TBS: I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Thanks for your time, Steny.
Hoyer: My pleasure, jackass.
There you have it, an exclusive Blue South conversation with like, the 6th most powerful man in America (billionaires exempted). No where else could you find such hard-hitting journalism than here, at the Blue South.
Hillarious! I was actually happy to see Steny beat out Murtha. Murtha hands aren't the cleanest in the world and if you want to start out with a "vote against party of corruption" Murtha may not have been the guy to do it. Furthermore, Pelosi didn't really want Murtha, but just wanted to keep from having him challenge her for speaker as he previously said he would several months back. She didn't actually campaign for him either. I think was good for the Dems.
Hey...you're not one of the delightfully brilliant commentators that appears on the Political Zoo, Monday's from 6am-8am on 90.5 WUSC are you? If so, I am awed and grateful to be in your presence, as I always am, every Monday from 6-8 on 90.5 WUSC, to hear balanced, insightful coverage of today's political world.
geez guys...I hate to interrupt a brokeback moment, butttt...
Some funny stuff here blue, but I hate to break it to you that libs can't smile, have fun, or be gleeful. Although, they can brokeback it.
You're awful kind to the Queen for Day Speaker. She campaigned for Abscam Jack because she didn't want Steny getting too much power. If I remember correctly, the Snitch lost that run 149 to 86. Not exactly a vote of confidence for the Queen.
You know what I like about libs being in power. An endless supply of material. It's going to be a fun 2 years. Get out your Excuses book.
Jess, you 'outed me' I am one of the guys that appears on WUSC 90.5 Monday's 6-8am on a show called the political zoo. (e-mail comments to thepoliticalzoo@hotmail.com) but that aside. I think this really was a case of "nervous" Nancy giving perfunctory support, to keep Murtha from going for the top spot and THEN sitting on her hands and not supporting him. This worked out like a gem for the dems.
And while it would be fair to say our coverage is fair and balanced, I think it is more appropriate to say it is a witty and succing wrap of last weeks news stories and covers what is to come with prescient insight, BUT what do I know?
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