We here at the Blue South are proud as heck to publish our exclusive interview with Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia's 10th District. Some of you may know Rep. Broun for his recent comments comparing our president elect to Hitler and Stalin, saying that Pres.-elect Obama is a Marxist who wants to establish an American Gestapo. Turns out, Rep. Broun is sorry for making those comments and he didn't mean what he said at all. Here's our exclusive:
TBS: Rep. Broun it's a pleasure to talk with you today.
Broun: Thanks, I'm glad to be able to fully explain my recent comments.
TBS: Well, then let's cut to the chase. What did you mean when you called our next president a Marxist?
Broun: Well, not to bore you with a history lesson, but if you look at Obama's record and his speeches, then take the third word from every sentence that contains the words "hope" or "change", then those words begin to spell out the first words of the Communist Manifest, by Karl Marx.
TBS: But we thought you were going to apologize...
Broun: Now, let me finish. See, if you take the letters from the name "Barack Obama" and take their numeric equivalent, you get 2-1-18-1-3-11-15-2-1-13-1, and if you add that up it comes out to 68. You want to guess what year Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto? That's right, 1968.
TBS: But the Communist Manifesto was published in 1848...
Broun: Ohhhh, you just got served.
TBS: Ok, so didn't you want to...
Broun: Thanks for your time, it's been a pleasure.
We here at the Blue South have been proud to bring you our exclusive coverage of this incredibly important issue. We would like to extend our thanks to Rep. Broun for graciously agreeing to say really stupid things in public and then have to come up with some logical reason for saying them. Keep up the good work congressman, and people of Georgia, look at the name next to the (R) on your ballot next time.
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